How to Lose Over 2 stone in Under 2 years: Weight Loss for the Unmotivated Food-lover

After a year and half and over two stone lost, I’m finally well under 9 and a half stone – the lightest I’ve been since I was sixteen. Up top, I’ve dropped almost 4 clothes sizes. As someone who’s tried countless methods throughout the years, just to keep my weight level (as someone who suffers from PCOS and hypothyroid), I thought I might share my tricks with those who are a little bit like me.

My first word of advice is: don’t try too hard. If you’re doing it right, you shouldn’t feel like you’re trying at all.  Every time you push yourself too far, you’ll hate it a little bit more and that won’t help you lose anything besides the will to bother.

the ottle things

Make your goal as loose as possible to begin with. Don’t try for a massive instant change: it just won’t happen that fast, and if it does, there’s a risk of bouncing back up again once you’ve done it. Think of what you’d be pleased with. At 11 1/2 stone, I said to myself I’d be happy if I got to 10 1/2. Ever. Think about an easy, ideal weight by your standards, not by anyone else’s. Once you’ve reached that goal and you know you’re still losing weight, aim again. But don’t let time limits cap you. Take as long as it needs to take.

Try and spend as much time on your feet as possible. I’m sure to begin with, my weight loss started by changing to a job where I was constantly standing or on the move. If you have to sit down to work at a desk, see if you can get a standing desk, or take a walk while you’re eating your lunch, even if that’s just wandering around your department. It’s easy enough to take a standing spot on the bus or train.

Pay as little for parking as you possibly can. Scout out the cheapest or free parking places where you work or visit often. They tend to be a little walk, but even that five minutes every day will help more than you think and that bit of change you save can be spent on something worth having.

Get yourself a hobby that keeps you moving. Whether that’s visiting National Trust properties or learning to waltz, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a sport. I took up volunteering in a local Oxfam books, and ended up in charge of displays and D of E students. It seemed a bit exhausting after a full week of work, but I took the shift between 9am and 1pm so I would at least have the best half of the day to play with. As always, make sure the benefits outweigh the cons with whatever you pick. With mine it was losing one late lie in VS getting books at an enormous discount and having a fun time with the people I work with.


Pick a gym that’s on the route to or from work or somewhere you go every day. Keep your kit on you at all times and tell yourself to go once a day when you pass it. If you’re passing, you tend to have to make a conscious effort not to go. It takes less effort to turn in and have the workout you’ll be kicking yourself for not having all evening.

Don’t aim to do a set time. If you only feel like doing five minutes of the elliptical, that’s fine. Five minutes is better than no minutes. After a while, you might find out you enjoy it more than you think and you could while away three hours if you wanted to.

Change up your routine. Don’t always just do one machine or the other. If you’re someone who enjoys a set, change the order sometimes, even if you keep on the same activities. It’ll curb any boredom you might feel for them. I do weights, cardio and swimming on alternative days to keep myself interested.

Don’t worry about the people who are slimmer or fitter than you. There’s probably someone on the other side of you that wishes they looked like you too. And, from experience, just because they’re ‘in shape’ doesn’t mean they know what they’re doing there any more than you do.

See if you can get with a gym that has multiple branches you can use. The one I’m with (Better) lets you go anywhere within your district. Meaning, if you pass one further afield, you can use it as freely as your use your own. If you’re someone who likes to go with friends as well, this can help you go with those that don’t live in the same town as you.

If you genuinely feel ill, take a break for a couple of days. Overworking yourself could make you sicker and mean you end up spending even less time in the gym in the long run.

Same goes for plans. Don’t cancel plans to go to the gym. Try your best to fit it around them but if you can’t, don’t sweat it. Make it up to yourself on another day.

Work out how many times you’d have to go to the gym a month pay as you go to spend the money of your membership and target yourself to do that as a minimum. After that, everytime you go, you’ll feel like you’re saving money. Sometimes being stingy pays off.

Make yourself a great playlist of songs you love and songs that motivate you. Anything with a strong beat is good. Or something that strikes home for you.  I tend to listen to anything when I’m working out regularly, though I have a spot in my heart for Stromae when I’m feeling a little ‘punch a bitch’ motivated. Though for the treadmill, I do have a couple of set songs that keep me going if I find it tough. I could run to Came Here for Love by Sigala for about three years if I had to, and Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld has a special spot in my heart. Find the songs that make you motivated to be alive and play them through your hardest workouts.


Don’t stop yourself from having a little treat every day. Just know your limit. Stop yourself once you’ve had one or two and make sure you keep a track of it.

Keep a vague mental track of the calories you eat a day. You can also use this as a limit or a target. I try to make sure I eat no more than around 600 or 700 calories before dinner. It means I know I’ll definitely have the calories spare to eat a dinner I know I’m going to enjoy. I tend to do this by making sure I don’t have more than one item for breakfast and limit my lunch to anything that’ll fit into a 450ml tub. Leftovers, a couple of slices of pizza. You can get away with more than you think. If it fits, it sits. Otherwise, a can of soup is a great alternative, they never tend to be more than 300 calories, even with a slice of toast and they fill you up.

If you’re going to have a fizzy drink, make it Diet or low calorie. Otherwise it’s a waste of calories for something that isn’t going to fill you up.

Treat yourself. Go out for dinner. Get the worst option possible. Just have a system that makes up for it. If you get a burger one week, get a light pasta the next. If you want a Large Big Mac meal from McDonalds, go for it, just make up for it by having chicken nuggets instead another time. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


Never buy smaller sizes aspirationally. You don’t know when and where your body will slim down. While I went from a 14 to an 8 on my upper half, I was still in size 12 jeans until very recently. I have the thighs of a weightlifter. No amount of aspirational size 6 leggings will make them any smaller.

Sometimes you will put weight back on and that is completely fine. It happens, there’s no use kicking yourself for it. Just make sure you can identify why. It’ll make losing it easier.

No matter how much you look in the mirror, you’ll probably still see the same person you’ve always seen. It’s a depressing prospect, I know. But sometimes, you don’t always see yourself the size you are, especially when you get large. In my head, I was always this size, even when I was twice as big. With time, other people will notice for you. It might take a year, but one day, you’ll come back from holiday and someone will see it and tell you about it until you’re bored of the words.

So, point out the little bits that make the difference. Mine was my collar bones. All of a sudden, I just had them. And I’ve loved them ever since.


My last bit of advice?

Love yourself.

It might seem hard at times. Be it because of the person who keeps on stringing you along or the jealous friend. But don’t let them steal your sparkle.

And if they do, I’ve found doing furious cardio to a ‘punch a bitch’ playlist can really lift your spirits.

Back Into the Fray

It’s been long over a year since I last posted on here – a running theme with this blog it seems. I’ve taken a sort of gap year from my art, since leaving university. Not that I haven’t spent my time creatively. I’ve created and interactive castle and a Batmobile out of cardboard. I’ve built myself a full suit of armour out of craft foam. I’ve spent most of my free time conducting and co-coordinating the Visual Merchandising for one of my local Oxfam branches. But when it comes to art, actual art, I haven’t done much at all.



I plan on changing that.



I’m not sure what has inspired my sudden resurgence of artistic energy. Perhaps it’s watching a friend’s hard work (albeit in a different area of art) pay off. Perhaps it’s a New Year spurt – I hope not. Or maybe my batteries have finally recharged, after three years of over exertion and pressure.

Either way, I’m ready to start fresh. And this time, I’m trying out oils.


A study in oils – First painting of the year


It’s been a long time since I’ve posted on here – and for good reason. Over the past 5 months my life has been jam packed with work. Between setting up my exhibition in December, finishing my work for semester one, developing my ideas, my research and my final piece in time for the graduate exhibition; I’ve barely had a minute to myself since the last time I posted.

It was my own fault entirely, of course. My ideas for this semester were more than ambitious, and without the time and dedication I had to put in, I doubt it would have worked out within even a margin of what I had imagined. But more on that later.

Christmas Exhibition at Denbies Wine Estate

4This was my first proper exhibition and I was beyond nervous. It takes a lot of time, energy and money to set up an exhibition – even just in terms of frames. The fact we’d organised it around Christmas really didn’t help the feeling either. Nor did the fact that one of the artists didn’t arrive to set up until after midday, without labels, cards or a short summary about their work. Besides that, it went well. It’s wonderful to hear what people have to say about your work, the medium or the subject it was based on. I feel as much I informed people on what my pieces were about, I also learned a lot too: on how people absorb the images without the conte9xt; about the tales themselves, and quite often the relations they had to the viewers; and people’s curiosities, understandings and experiences with the techniques
I was using. In the end I only sold one print itself – one from the Lord Bateman set. But the feedback I received was just as valuable either way and motivated me a lot in the start of the semester. Other than the lino cut, I also managed to sell all of the story books I illustrated and had printed for the event (which can also be bought here and here). While we were all exhausted by the time it came down on the 27th December, it was well worth the effort and an overall success.

Undergraduate Exhibition

neepI don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard for anything in my life. The run up was hectic. I don’t think there was a day that I wasn’t doing some kind of work for it. Be it cutting prints, doors, making designs, looking at artists or planning the set up in general. I thought about it while eating, in the shower, as I drifted off to sleep. I’m sure I’ll still be getting war flashbacks to it when I’m eighty, rocking in a corner somewhere and screaming “And it was all for what? Sixty three percent?!” Though, honestly, I’m not bothered about the mark. I knew I was never going to get a great one – and not because I don’t believe in myself – but because I knew my tutors weren’t quite as enthusiastic about my ideas as I was, or that I was experimenting, pushing the boundaries of what printmaking is. And I don’t blame them, if it all went south it fell as much on their heads as it did on mine. While in the end the installation hasn’t come out entirely perfectly – down to a few small miscalculations – I am proud of what I managed to achieve. At the exhibition I heard nothing bad. The worst I had was “it’s different” and I’m glad they thought that. It was supposed to be. It wanted to make an installation piece that represented me as a person; my identity, nationality, sense of self. I wanted to create a piece that was eclectic and dissonant in places. I wanted to make something that showed all of the family members who contributed to making me who I am today. And I did. And I’m pleased with it. I learned a lot in the process. I know where I want to go with my art at very least now, even if I’m still uncertain about my life plans.

I feel like I really achieved something.


Running About in Wales and Preparing to Exhibit

It feels like last Saturday was decades ago, largely because I tried to fit a IMG_5048weeks worth of tourist attractions into three days, for my lovely friend, Lily. It was good to have a break, to be honest. And I do love rubbing the scenery of Aberystwyth in other people’s faces – especially if they go to mainland Universities. Though – as I learned on Wednesday – Rochester, with its castle and cathedral, is a good rival.

But I’m back to the grindstone now: framing, organising, making lists and slowly succumbing to the madness within. I think everyone’s a little on edge. A lot of my work still needs to be framed at worst and screwed with picture hooks and wire at best, and no one else is much better. There is little chance I’ll have time to finish my ceramics for exhibition – which is not necessarily a bad thing if you consider that they’re currently not in the best state. I’m looking forward to it though, even if it is a bit daunting, at least in hopes that I might get a solid response to my work from the public, if not a bit of cash. God knows I need it this time of year.

One More Week of Sorrow…

There are teen days until my exhibition and I am bricking it, so to speak. Though I’ve finished all my course work within my means at Uni, I’m far girl 1 jugfrom done. Between manning the show for five days, Christmas and New Years, I need to find time to play about with a kiln and do some dodgy decals. And whether or not they’ll be successful is another thing entirely. But I’ve done the plans and made what are effectively simulations of what they’ll look like when done, so I can pray.

Besides my work, I’ve had to deal with the monotonous, droning of my housemate’s Skype calls, words as crisp as a winter’s morning through my wall, continuously from 4 in the afternoon until 2 in the morning (or taking-the-mick o’clock, as I like to call it). It’s the sort of talking that is so loud and equally uninteresting that there’s more of a chance that I’ll die of boredom before I actually fall asleep. Though such is life.

Tomorrow, a friend from home is cIMG_9325oming up, so I’ll be very occupied
showing her the sole tourist attraction we have in Aber and trying to find something to entertain her for the remaining three days in the vile Welsh weather. Though there are high chances we may just spend the entirety of the time dressed up as regency dandies, smoking cigars – which isn’t a bad outcome to be honest.

Time is passing way too quickly.

Haunted by The Ghost of a Flea

For the past few weeks, we’ve had fleas – fantastic, I know. And not just the sort of fleas you shower once and flea treat your pets and they’re gone. They’re the sort of fleas that live in the carpet and keep on coming back just when you thought you’d got rid of them. The sort of fleas that are probably laughing with their flea mates over a drink, about how stupid you are, and giving you the middle finger while you aren’t looking.

I bought flea spray and ritualistically sprayed my whole bedroom three times a day, which didn’t seem to work. Then we got a bunch of insect bombs and nuked the house. That evening, a flea landed on my sketchbook. I watched the life drain out of its sad little body, satisfied with our work, and then skewered it with a pencil. The last I saw of them, the grandfather of all flea grandfathers landed on my arm and looked at me as ghost of a fleaif to say “Geoff you” before I squished it and threw the corpse into the bin.

I haven’t seen one since, or even noticed a bite, but the fleas still haunt me. Even the word makes me itch like mad. I couldn’t help but scratch myself as I wrote three paragraphs on The Ghost of a Flea by William Blake for my most recent essay, the bug between his legs mocking me as I wrote. It didn’t make me feel any better, either, reading in John Varley’s notes on the painting, saying ‘that all fleas were inhabited by the souls of such men, as were by nature bloodthirsty to excess, and were therefore providentially confined to the size and form of insects: otherwise, were [one], for instance, the size of a horse, [it] would depopulate a great portion of the country.’ I must say, I’ve had a few nightmares of that nature since, and woken up itching like I was wearing a shoddily made Christmas jumper.

sistersOf course, the itchiness may be dude to the thousands of tiny slices of lino that have embedded themselves into my carpet and seem too turn up everywhere I go. I would hoover them up but I’ve come to realise that 1) there are considerably more important things I could be doing and 2) our hoover is about as good as a mouse with asthma sucking on a straw.

But the presence of lino shards actually means I’ve been doing my work and believe me I have been working my sorry little butt off. In the past week I have cut and printed three A3 prints, one of which was a reduction print, and an A4 reduction of a face. I’m exhausted, I must say. But it’s all coming along: the Lankin prints have been decorated and are ready to scan and I’ve begun playing around with the design for Twa Sisters on the computer. I’m long lankincontemplating putting ink on some of my older prints for Lord Bateman as well, considering how nicely the blue and green theme for Lankin turned out.

Gods willing, I’ll be done with them and the ceramics themselves by the end of the week, giving me enough time to prepare for my exhibition from the 21st to the 27th this month.

Please check out the facebook event for it: Denbies Exhibtion – Light and Colour

Something Your Nan Might Like

Over the past two months, I’ve been experimenting a lot with my art and kissyespecially its target audience. Before, I was kind of making work for myself – largely – or catering what my tutors and other art-trained professionals might like. This semester, I’ve decided to twist that, to make art that you don’t need a degree or any kind of artistic knowledge to look at and understand at very least. I wanted to make something your nan, or your hipster cousin, or your four year old son might like. Something that was interactive, and didn’t just had sit on a wall, behind a sheet of glass.

So, I’ve started playing with ceramics.

I’m using my good old themes of love, death and destruction in folk songs and stories, like I have been before,  but I’m transferring the finished linocuts onto pre-made ceramics with decal paper. Generally, I put them on appropriate items that would add to the story: for example, a milk jug for Twa Sisters because they were supposed to be a farmer’s daughters and so I could put the drowned body of the girl at the bottom.

lordyI’ve finished a plate set already which has turned out alright for a first try. But what I’m finding hardest is translating my thoughts about it to my tutors. They don’t seem to understand I’m not trying to make ‘High Art’. I’m making something for real people, not some elusive, rich, old man, hiding behind his critic column in The Telegraph. I was asked in a tutorial today if the print I’ve been slaving over for the past week was going to be an ‘actual print’, separate from the ceramics. It was already an actual print: I’d cut the lino, rolled up the ink, ran it through a press onto paper and would present it in portfolio like I’d done both years before. The only difference being that it would have a sister, sitting at the bottom of a milk jug. If someone pasted Millais’ Ophelia onto a dinner mat, it wouldn’t render the whole painting obsolete. So why does extending my work that little bit further – to combine the folk stories with a form of traditional folk art like ceramics – render it worse off than if I’d simply left it on the paper?

The art world perplexes me.

I’m Back

Summer and the months leading up to now have been stressful to say the least, hence the lack of online presence. In June, a guy I’d been at school with since playgroup got hit by a car and killed on a night out. I found something that generally wouldn’t effect me pushing me into a mass of tears, and I struggled with the feelings of shock and confusion most of summer months. It wasn’t even that I knew him particularly well – we IMG_4950hadn’t spoken properly for years. But when I thought of him, I saw the innocent four year old that I grew up beside who drew the best dinosaurs I had ever seen. Only recently have I stopped thinking about it in every spare second.

Between that, I was framing, cropping and polishing ready for my upcoming exhibition in December. I planned on doing far more work than have, I must admit. But I did manage to finish my first oil painting, ready to framed when I return from University – which I pray will come sooner rather than later or there is every possibility I may go insane from lack of outside exposure and slow internet.

Thought For the Week: Sexism of Studying Art

I will admit before I came to University, I believed there was equality between the sexes. My mother never made me feel any different from my brother and, when it came down to it, I just thought my dad was little bit prudish and old fashioned when it came to him letting my brother get away with bad table manners or loud and agressive attitudes (which were my not so secret talent).

But there isn’t, not completely, not at all. And it’s one of those things, we’re so used to it that it slips through the cracks. It’s not like racism, people see that a mile off now. Not that they always did. But if you say all black people are theives and crooks deepdown, it’s obvious to everyone that you’re a racist. Where as if you say all women are housewives or their only purpose is to have offsporn and care for them, it’s sexism but most ordinary people wouldn’t even think to point it out. Not that racism and sexism are remotely the same thing on any level, but racism is lot easier to see at the moment.

Since I’ve come to Uni, I’ve really seen it. And franky it’s soul destroying. No one has respect for you, or things you do. I’ve had conversations with men who are less educated on a subject than I am and won’t admit my point is right (or even factually correct, which it is) until another man has repeated what I’ve said in full as if they’ve made it up themselves. You work three times as hard as a man at university doing art and get half the marks if you’re lucky, and not because their work is good, but because they’ve got the lecturers, who are also all men, in their pockets. As a woman, they’ll name anything you do silly and girlish, like my themes of folklore and folkmusic, but a man who does the same is creative, innovative and intelligent. My work involving the death of a character, which does happen a lot in folklore, is – and I quote – “morbid and… unconventional…” while another male student whose work is based solely on drawing cartoon corpses is “an inspiring look at the world”.

They sound like small silly things, I will admit. But they add up and I’m tired of my work and thoughts and values being discredited solely because I am woman and I have a vagina. The thing that hit me hardest though and spurred me to write this post, was that I went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour yesterday with my friend for her birthday. When we got to to the art department’s section, I looked through the wall covered in works of art and at all the names of the artists there. The wasn’t a single woman. Not one. And if there was, they definitely didn’t display her. It really hurt, I was looking at it all thinking I’d love to do this sort of thing and then realising that I obviously don’t have the right genitalia for it. And that’s not an over-reaction. From my experience of doing Art in Further and Higher Education is that there are minimal men doing it. We’ve got a year of 60 pupils and 3 of them are men and I know for a fact that it’s very similar in most other Universities. But the men alway come out on top.

I don’t want my work to be judged on the hole between my legs.

The Busman’s Holiday

Technically speaking, I’ve been completely useless when it comes to actually making art this week – partially because I’ve finished and I should be packing to go home (I’m not) but also because my mum’s come up for a visit before I leave as a sort of free holiday. But I have developed a really nice collection of photos of the Welsh Landscape to work from, which I think I’ll base my summer project on while I’m preparing for the exhibition.

I’m glad I live in Aberystwyth to be honest, it’s sort of in the middle of everything so it’s easy to get from one place to the other, especially when you’re trying to pack three days worth of holidaymaking into one.

Thursday, we went to Borth to visit the Zoo, which is actually pretty impressive considering IMG_8167it’s such a small town, and see the sunken forest for what I have no words besides “go and see it for yourself” and Machynlleth, though it was pretty dead as we arrived just around when everything was closing, thanks to a falling branch that almost killed us on the way there – deep joy.

Friday was spent wasting all my spare money on clothes and Saturday on the Devil’s Bridge falls walk – a really beautiful way to kill someone, if you were wondering. Though there was a woman who was marching up it all faster than we were with a small child on her back that I will have eternal respect for, however insane I reckon she must’ve been. And I’m still having war flash-backs to the giant beatle the ended up in my hair, then on my finger, then being screamed at and flung across a gift shop. I hate insects. Especially ones that end up in my hair.

Today was a castle day – see how many castles you can visit between 3 and 6 in the afternoon because you had a sausage sandwich and a lie in this morning. The answer’s 3. I will admit, it was a bit of a blast from the past. We went down towards Cardigan and IMG_8341Newcastle Emlyn and visited all the places we used to go to on holiday as children. I’m not sure how I did it but aparently I used to run all over them, when this time I spent most of my exploration time clinging on for dear life and hoping that the hoards of small children weren’t heading my way. They were of course, it’s like you think I’m lucky or something.

Either way, my stash of images are growing. I’ll see what I can get tomorrow in Snowdonia and then I think I’ll start working out sets of 3 or 4 from each location to play with so I’ll have a whole “Landmarks of West Wales” set of wor to exhibit.